News from August of 1999.


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Our Quake3 TC
August 18, 1999 --Madman

     Bah, tommorow, Thursday for the record, we have to go to fricken registration for school. Meaning this summer is winding down to school again; Tuesday is when the torture begins fer us.So, don't be surprised if we don't update this sight with our crap regularly. It may get slightly, ahh, chaotic juggling school, updating a websight, and planning/making a Quake3 TC. So, BAH!

     Anyway, I am just about to update the TC plan. So far I have planned a whopping 65 guns, 15 player classes, and other crap I may not want to say now. The weapons were easy, I just thought up names and thought up a cool thing it could do. Most of them are regular: pistols, shotguns, rifles, etc. But some our pretty original.Maybe, if I feel like it, I'll post all the weapons classes and names for all to see. Just the names, mind. I want to leave your imagination to do the rest........

August 16, 1999 --erik

     Dark Chaos version 1.02 is out...

August 15, 1999 --erik

     Damned near finished with the Version 1.02 of Dark Chaos. It will include a few bug fixes, improved infinant ammo support, and more stuff I am still working on.

August 14, 1999 --Madman

     Yay, we have a q2 map!! It is called FragShip, by Viper962 and CyberBotX. Go to the maps page to download it.

August 10, 1999 --Madman, updated 13, 1999 --erik

     Yay, we got word today that two more people want to host servers for Dark Chaos. Here are their IP addresses.

CLOSED (mainly during night est) Lord Nomar TFC (time not specified) Ogrex

Thanks again to these people.

August 9, 1999 --Erik

      If you want a server that will be running Dark Chaos ("overnight" for EST) for approx. 1 week go to
BIG thanks to our friend ST-Cecil. He is a great guy, tell him so at [email protected].


August 9, 1999 --DreamReaper

     We got MOTW! Yeah! check out the reveiw here if your here from planetquake, and have just read the reveiw, let it be known that this MOD is server-side, so youwon't need to download it unless you plan to play it in single player or plan to host a server. A big thanks from us here at Maniacal Software to Cecil and the guys at Planetquake!

In other news, am working on the story for the TC. It Will be very profound, and you'll get to shoot nazi's. We might post the story in the TC section when I get it finished. Maybe not. For suggestion or coments, e-mail me

August 8, 1999 --Madman

     I just put captions under every single Dark Chaos pic so everybody can actually tell what the heck they are showing. As for the TC, well, we are still planning. And since I'm the idea guy, I'm planning it all.

     So far I have "planned out" 50 different weapons (I'm well on the way to one hundred). Joe has also, I hope, actually figured out the storyline. Soon, I hope, I will post the bare-bones storyline for your viewing pleasure.

August 7, 1999 --Erik

      If the counter on the botton of this page reads 1000 could you please take a screenshot and send it to me .

August 5, 1999 --Erik

      I added a bunch of screenshots to the Dark Chaos catagory... The were all taken when Madman, Dream Reaper, and I were playing a LAN game.

August 5, 1999 --Madman, Dream Reaper, & Erik

      We've accidently made an error in our ReadMe and, as soon as we found out, changed it. In the revision of the ReadMe, Joe accidently forgot to thank all the people at QDevels for the tutorials that we used. We appologize to the writers of the tutorials and will make sure not to make that error again.

      We would like to thank the dumbass who pointed out our error. I mean it is not every day you receive a completely rude e-mail, cussing at you and telling you how much you suck to inform you of a simple mistake. Here are some examples he sent to us....

nice mod you and you homo buddies made here. you claim too be the "main programer" of this piece of s***, i gotta question: did you do any of your own coding on this, or is it all cut n paste from qdevels??? you don't even give credit to the guys who did all the real work. you better give credit to each and every guy who's tuts you used.

hey buttmonkey-
I hear you'er the dumbass who wrote the readme for this stupid f*****g "dark chaos" bull s***. WTF is up with the thanks and credits at the bottom? just a list of retards who didn't do s***. why don't ya give credit to all the tuts you lame-ass "programer" copied from qdevels? trying to pass this s*** off as your own work is just wrong, ans stupid, that s*** is actually copywrited ya know. change the f*****g readme an post an appologly on your f*****g news page.

Be sure to mail him at [email protected] .

August 3, 1999 --Madman

I'm back again, muhahaha. I've decided that we'll have a mail page that posts all of our e-mails that we decide are important. . . . or funny. This will happen if, and only if, we get any comments from you people. Kay.

Anyway, we're still waiting on PlanetQuake to say something to us. As for the TC, we're still rumaging through our brains to find the best storyline ever. We've had a few good ideas, but we've not implementing it. Also, we're hoping that some nice people will give us some tips and tricks for making a TC, but we've had no reply, yet.

August 3(12:03AM), 1999 --Erik

      We did break our old record... by 112 visitors, with a total of 315. If you would like a screen shot of our counter stats (taken 4 minuts ago, click here . Note that the stats are weekly, so to get the number of hits for yesterday subtract 203 from that total. (We had 203 hits on the first.)
On a sadder note: we didn't get mod of the week this week :(
And now for a completely un-related quote I just made up...
The light is always brighter on the darkside. -erik

August 2, 1999 --Erik

     I see madman has already filled eveyone in on our plans... I made a new/better banner. We are probably going to break yesterday's traffic record ;) I will tell the results tonight at midnight.

August 2, 1999 --Madman

     I'm back again, muhahaha. I've decided that we'll have a mail page that posts all of our e-mails that we decide are important. . . . or funny. This will happen if, and only if, we get any comments from you people. Kay.

Anyway, we're still waiting on PlanetQuake to say something to us. As for the TC, we're still rumaging through our brains to find the best storyline ever. We've had a few good ideas, but we've not implementing it. Also, we're hoping that some nice people will give us some tips and tricks for making a TC, but we've had no reply, yet.

August 1, 1999 --Erik

     Well our first month at this site is over. If you want to see some old news from this site go to the bottom where it says "Our old news is here". Oh today we had the most traffic this site has ever seen. It was over 200 hits. Here is a little screen shot... Thanks everyone.

I hope we get mod of the week and a planet quake hosting... We will know soon.